P4 preparem el Carnaval
Batucada i rua de carnaval
Un any més celebrem el Carnaval a l’escola.
Aquest curs la temàtica ha estat relacionada amb el projecte que estem realitzant conjuntament la llar, infantil i primària: “Pinotxo”.
Ens hem disfressat dels diferents personatges d’aquest conte. Han quedat unes disfresses molt i molt boniques!!!
Els alumnes de cicle superior, han estat els encarregats de preparar una batucada i d’amenitzar la rua. Ho han fet genial!!!
4th level Primary students build a fan
4th level Primary students, in the Science class, have been working on the topic of Forces and Machines and one of their final activities was to build a fan. They brought to class simple materials such as a plastic cup, a clip, two cables, a little stick made of wood and, in class, they received an electric motor and a battery of 4,5 v.
After following the instructions given by the teacher, they were able to build their own machine. Students were very happy!